Wolf Says Good-Bye
Well known industry veteran, Wolf Paunic is leaving Trafalgar and as he does he has a message for his friends and colleagues in the industry.
Paunic writes:
“I am proud to announce that my 12 year-long stint with Trafalgar ended on March the 3. The time has come to close the book and express my love, gratitude and respect to many immediate and extended families who accompanied me on this amazing journey:
First and foremost – my own family: kids wonderingly accepted the fact that Dad must go to a Caribbean Island for a week of work with huge groups of friends and business associates. While Mom was taking care of family in every way and every day.
Most importantly – my Canadian Work Family: from coast to coast, running Travel Talks, working with travel trade partners and guest, stretching the budgets, overcoming challenges, and looking into every next year with big eyes and creative excitement
He also has a message for his Global Work Family:
Travel Directors Family — I was a part of at the beginning of my career. Whenever I was travelling with them, I asked myself: why is Travel Directing not regarded as a performing art?
My Global Sales and Marketing Family — We worked and played with inspiration, gusto, and high levels of adrenaline (think of Queenstown, NZ planning meeting).
My Retail and Wholesale Family — Many a contract and marketing plan we delivered, many transformations we have endured together.
My Canadian Trade Media Family who inspired me to write dreamy paragraphs of my personal and professional understanding of our amazing business … And helped me define my own language of travel.
And most certainly, my Family of Tourist Board and National Travel Organization partners. Watching sales grow to many destinations and celebrating our mutual successes and challenges was always fun.
Paunic continues:
“At the end, I would like to quote my most favourite Canadian poet and singer, whose verses and voice were largely responsible for my family’s arrival to Canada. A fellow Montrealer, great Leonard Cohen once wrote:
Like a bird on the wire
Like a drunk in a midnight choir
I have tried in my way to be free
I look forward to keeping in touch. To contact me or to catch up with my travels, feel free to follow me on LinkedIn, Instagram @wvp23travel and Twitter @exluppo