Voices of Travel: Michael Merrithew on having an impact

Back at the beginning of the 1990s, Michael Merrithew, founder of Merit Travel, was “looking for a business that was sales driven and service oriented;” a business, he added “where we thought we could have an impact.”

Well, a meeting with Frank Dennis, regional manager for Uniglobe Travel Eastern Canada, provided Merrithew with the opportunity to buy an existing travel business, Uniglobe Advantage Travel in Mississauga.

And while things turned out very well for Merrithew, he admits that at the time, “I didn’t really know a lot about the travel industry and in a way, I think, if I had known more it might have scared me away because, as I discovered very quickly, it’s a very complex business.”

In this week’s episode of Voices of Travel: The Next Chapters, Merrithew tells his story, and what a story it is, so don’t miss it.

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