Virtuoso welcomes newly elected Canada member advisory board

Virtuoso held elections recently for its global and regional Boards and Committees. Eight agency owners and managers from Canada have been appointed to represent their region on various committees, as they work with their counterparts across the globe to foster collaboration and innovation, establish best practices and guide network decisions to ensure maximum benefit for agencies and advisors, their clients and preferred partners.

In addition to their committee work, they also dedicate their time and expertise to helping guide practices within their region through their participation on Virtuoso’s Canada Member Advisory Board.

During Virtuoso Travel Week, held recently in Las Vegas, outgoing and incoming members of the Canada Member Advisory Board had a chance to meet in person and begin their three-year tenure as board members and advisor advocates. Outgoing committee board members also agreed to stay on until December 2024 to ensure continuity and a smooth transition.

Úna O’Leary, general manager, Virtuoso Canada, observed: “The support and guidance of our outgoing Regional Member Advisory Board has been invaluable as we navigated the pandemic and an incredibly busy rebound in the travel industry. We look forward to welcoming our new board members as we rely on their counsel, new ideas and support of their peers and the entire Virtuoso network.”

The Canada Member Advisory Board includes:

  • Stephen Smith – Canada Representative for Virtuoso’s Global Member Advisory Board
  • Caroline Hay – Cruise Committee
  • Blair Jerrett – Marketing Committee
  • Samuel Spencer – Technology Committee
  • Rob Blowes – Events Committee
  • Aaron Levine – Destinations & Experiences Committee
  • Cathy Holler – Hotels & Resorts Committee
  • Kim Cross – Air Committee (interim)

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