KORE by TRAVELSAVERS Canada applauds first Canadian grads

Launching just four months ago, the KORE travel education program is commemorating a significant landmark: its first two Canadian graduates.

KORE is revolutionizing the recruitment and training of the next generation of travel advisors at a critical time, when agencies are struggling to find and onboard new talent.

“We are so proud of this program and our graduates,” said Jane Clementino, senior vice-president and general manager of TRAVELSAVERS Canada, which launched KORE last April. “The combination of rigorous academic training and real-world exposure positions KORE-trained advisors as highly skilled professionals ready to make a significant impact in the travel industry in a period of great need.”

About the KORE graduates

KORE’s first Canadian graduates, Alex Kriss and Michelle Morin, have begun making strides in the travel industry.

Kriss is a consultant specializing in leisure travel, group adventures and destination weddings. Morin’s Whitby agency recommended KORE to her and upon graduation, she returned there with the knowledge to advance her career.

“The program was really helpful right from the beginning, building from the ground up,” said Kriss. “KORE helped to lay a good foundation so I could gain confidence and knowledge needed to be successful in the industry. I constantly reference the resources KORE provided me day to day in my career.”

The KORE approach

KORE’s unique approach instills a deep understanding of the travel industry through a comprehensive, self-paced, and flexible program. The Canada-specific curriculum covers all aspects of the industry, from fraud protection and social media marketing to advanced technology, emphasizing skills tailored to the profession. By offering a unique one-on-one mentorship with seasoned travel agency owners and managers as well as a placement service for unaffiliated learners, KORE equips individuals to excel both as advisors and business owners.

“KORE addresses all the misconceptions regarding the industry,” said Morin. “It opened my eyes to areas of the business that I wouldn’t know about as a consumer. KORE helped me develop my skills in world geography and fully understand the depth of knowledge that a travel consultant must have.”

With the increased demand for travel agency services, the time is right for the KORE travel education program.

Based on a recent TRAVELSAVERS Canada survey, 89 per cent of agencies plan to hire advisors in the coming year. However,60 per cent say applicants don’t have the right combination of skills and abilities. KORE is bridging that gap for the industry.

For more information, visit www.koretraveleducation.ca and @koretraveleducation.