
Trafalgar Takes Vatican VIP Experiences to the Next Level

Trafalgar has unveiled four new exclusive after-hours experiences within the Vatican that will be available to its guests during the 2018 operating season.

Having offered exclusive access to private dining within the Ethnological Museum for the past two years, Trafalgar has now announced further VIP dining opportunities within the hallowed city.

Guests travelling on Contrasts of Italy, Grand European, Best of Italy & Sicily and Rome Explorer will enjoy al fresco dining under Italian summer skies at the Cortile del Giardino Quadrato (square garden). Adverse weather contingency is provided in the Bistrot della Pigna, the newly created dining space within the Cortile della Pigna, also nestled deep inside the historic city walls. Prior to dining, Trafalgar travellers on these four trips also have the opportunity to view the array of incredible artifacts at the Museo Gregoriano Profano.

Those choosing Grand Italian Experience or Rome & Tuscan Highlights will absorb the ambience of the city within the Eternal City and enjoy dining with a distinct difference among the artistry of Museo Gregoriano Profano or the surrounds of the Salone di Raffaello of the Pinacoteca, with access to the museum available pre-dining.

