Teens Invited to TAP into Beaches Resorts
Beaches Resorts has introduced a new Teen Advisory Panel (TAP) – that includes two Canadians – which will serve as a forum for teens, providing insight that will directly influence the Beaches Resorts experience.
According to Adam Stewart, CEO of Sandals Resorts International, parent company of Beaches Resorts, teens influence travel in two ways: as tech-savvy researchers of available opportunities and as arbiters of what’s “cool” on social platforms.
“Today’s teens have their own bucket lists. They are sophisticated online shoppers, know what’s available, what they want to do and parents are listening. So are we,” said Stewart.
Leading TAP as Chief Teen Officer is 15-year-old Sabrina Stewart (pictured), daughter of Sandals Resorts International Chairman Gordon “Butch” Stewart.
“I am proud to welcome Sabrina to her first official role with the company and know she will represent Beaches Resorts well,” said Stewart. “I’m thrilled to see teens’ involvement in our future programs and activities at Beaches, and I know TAP will be a great success.”
“I cannot wait to share Beaches with new friends and to tap into where teen communication lives, like Instagram and SnapChat, to share information and address topics that are important to us – fashion, food, music, friends and of course, travel, especially the fun and Vine-worthy moments of travelling with your family,” said (Sabrina) Stewart.
All teens can join in the conversation by following #BeachesTeens or visiting the official Beaches Resorts news blog with monthly teen-specific blog posts.
TAP is comprised of 12 influential tweens and teens from Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. Chosen for their demonstration of leadership, social influence and love of travel, TAP members represent a wide slice of teen life including Girl Scouts, equestrians, athletes and a burgeoning celebrity from ABC’s hit comedy, black-ish, 15-year-old actor Marcus Scribner. Canada is represented by sister act, Kali Holmes (16) and Alexa Holmes (13) from London, Ont.
CEO Stewart fully expects that the digital teen program, while fun and engaging, will most importantly provide meaningful information that will result in new opportunities persuasive teens will want to experience for themselves.
“Innovation is what drives our company. We look forward to the next great idea and are betting on these teens to deliver,” said (Adam) Stewart.