Celestyal offering 35 shore excursions for Adriatic itinerary
Celestyal Cruises has released the shore excursion program for its new “Heavenly Adriatic” itinerary, with 35 tours available to book now. Sailing on the 1,260-passenger Celestyal Journey, the seven-night itinerary launches on Mar. 2,...
Tags: Celestyal Cruises

Celestyal Journey visiting Persian Gulf starting this November
Celestyal Cruises has announced that Celestyal Journey will visit four new countries and six new ports of call in the Persian Gulf beginning in November 2024. The new, seven-night “Desert Days” itinerary will set sail on November 9, from...
Tags: Celestyal Cruises

Celestyal Cruises Adds Second Ship For 2024
Celestyal Cruises has confirmed the acquisition of a second new vessel this year. The Celestyal Discovery follows the recent arrival of the Celestyal Journey, signalling a fleet refresh and further commitment to significant investment into...

COVID-19 UPDATE: Celebrity, GBTA, Crystal And More
The Celebrity Cruises team is bringing Canadian agents a great message to start the week with in this video of motivational speaker, Dr. Rick Rigsby. He knows Celebrity’s passion for its agency partners and he’ll give you goosebumps with...
Tags: Celebrity Cruises, Celestyal Cruises, Costa Cruises, COVID-19, Crystal Cruises, GBTA, Toronto Caribbean Carnival