
Something Special For Agents From Collette

Collette has released details of a special added incentive* for travel professionals to earn on bookings that include the Oberammergau Passion Play.

Travel professionals will qualify for the program by making five new bookings with a minimum of one Oberammergau booking for 2022 travel (double or single) and will receive $500.

The amount will increase to $1,500 for two Oberammergau bookings and five domestic bookings.

For travel professionals who book ten Oberammergau bookings, they can receive $1,500.

In addition to the bonus incentive, agents’ clients will save up to $1,500 per couple† off the land cost of the tour on new bookings made 10/12/2021-11/8/2021 for travel 5/1/2022-9/30/22.

All bookings throughout the sale will continue to earn advanced commission.

Jaclyn Leibl-Cote, president at Collette, said: “We want to reward travel professionals for all their work in re-booking these clients for the play that has now moved to 2022.”

Leibl-Cote continued: “We have seven distinct tours to choose from, all including a Passion Play premium category package with reserved accommodations and seating.  Clients can save up to $1,500 per couple on their tours.”

For more, go to www.gocollette/passionplay .

Terms and conditions are listed below:

*Offer is valid on new retail bookings and new Oberammergau group bookings made between 10/12/21-2/28/22, for departures through 2022. Agent qualifies for the program by making 5 new bookings with a minimum of one Oberammergau booking for 2022 travel (double or single) and will receive $500 or by making 10 total new bookings with a minimum of 2 Oberammergau bookings and 5 domestic bookings for 2022 travel or 10 Oberammergau bookings and will receive $1,500. These incentives will be paid within 30 days following the quarter that the qualifying bookings have traveled. A booking is defined as a minimum of two full-paying passengers in a double room or a single passenger in a single room. All payments are payable per agent and bookings cannot be combined with other agency bookings. Other restrictions may apply; call for details. Not valid on existing bookings.

†Oberammergau offer valid on new bookings only made 10/12/2021 – 11/8/2021 for travel 5/1/2022 – 9/30/2022. Offer code OBERSAVE21 must be used at time of booking for savings. Save $350 per person ($700 per couple) when you book land only. Save $500 per person ($1000 per couple) off the land, when you book air inclusive in Premium Economy. Save $750 per person ($1500 per couple) off the land, when you book air inclusive in Business Class. Offers can expire earlier due to space or inventory availability. Space is on a first come, first served basis. Offers are not valid on existing bookings. Offers are combinable with member benefits only and are not combinable with any other offers. Other restrictions may apply; call for details. Not valid on existing bookings.

