Kumar Thusyanth, manager, CWT in Pickering, Ont., has been named the winner of a three-night stay at a Sandals or Beaches resort. He won by booking a group with the luxury included resort chain between October and December, as part of an exclusive group incentive for Canadian agents. Kumar is shown accepting his prize from Grant Lawlor, national groups manager (pictured left) and Robert Smith, business development manager, Eastern Ontario (r), Unique Vacations Canada Inc.
Sandals has also announced that the group booking incentive continues with a new contest period for Q1 2019. Agents who book any type of group – social, corporate or wedding – of five rooms or more at any Sandals or Beaches resort through March 31 will be entered for a chance to win a three-night stay of their own. No entry form is required. The contest is valid for all contract groups, booked with either a Canadian tour operator partner or Unique Vacations Inc. Restrictions apply and it is not valid for agents in Quebec.