The Skal Toronto Club annual general meeting was held Jan. 25 at the Lambton Golf and Country Club, where a new board was announced. Brent Bowes holds the role of president of the club for the second year. The Skal Toronto Club donated $11,000 to Daily Bread Food bank resulting from a successful golf tournament and Christmas Gala auction in 2015. Bowes recognized Susan Webb as the Skal Toronto Club member of the year for her passion and continued support to the club and the Skal organization nationally. Pictured (l-r) Susan Webb, Skal Canada Rep & VP Skal Canada; Fred Azouz, VP; Kimberly Hartley, Secretary; Audrius Vasilius, Young Skal Director; Brent Bowes, President; Joanne Gellatly, Young Skal; Scott Barker, Treasurer; Mary Heron, Executive Secretary; Mike Hannah, Executive Treasurer. Missing from photo: Pierre LePage, Skal Canada Rep; David McClung, Auditor; James Nieuheus, VP Membership.