Mexico Welcomes The World At Tianguis
Mexico’s Tianguis Turistico is back.
The long-running show — which was cancelled. last year because of the pandemic — is underway in the interior city of Merida, and is well attended, with 1,500 buyers and 930 exhibitors participating, reports Press Today’s Ian Stalker who is attending the show.
“We are going out of the woods…The pandemic is receding,” Mexican president Andres Lopez Obrador said Tuesday.
“We are going on our many ways to recovery.”
Mexico was the seventh most- visited country in the world in 2018 and officials spoke of hoping to see it rise to the third most visited
Lopez Obrador praised his homeland for its “unique potential,” citing varied landscapes and a “cultural richness…that you really can’t find anywhere else.”
The host state of Yucatan is known in part for its many Maya archeological sites.
“Its not all about just going to the beach,” Lopez Obrador said of Mexican vacations.
However, he added that officials should encourage visitors to explore lesser-known parts of Mexico adding six vacation destinations in the country receive more than 90% of foreign tourists.
In the photo
Ethel Hansen Davey, of Uniglobe Enterprise Travel, Toronto and Consuelo Miller, Business Development Manager of Trip Support, Toronto.