
Keauhou Beach tees it up

The Keauhou Beach Resort is featuring a new Kona Golf Trail package that offers its guests an opportunity to play three rounds of golf at select courses. Available through Dec. 21, 2012, the package is priced from $517 for one golfer and $677 for two golfers. The resort’s general manager, Jim Heather said that “one of our ‘fore-most’ priorities is providing visitors with options and access to the things they love most. With this new package we are shooting to combine our guests’ love of Hawaii with their passion for the green.” The Kona Golf Trail features three courses that include the Kona Country Club, the Makalei Golf Club and the Big Island Country Club. For more on the resort, go to http://www.outrigger.com/KeauhouGolf , while additional information on the golf trail is available at http://www.konagolftrail.com .
