
Just like home

This past October, fewer visitors to Hawai‘i stayed in condominiums (-6.7%), timeshares (-4.6%) and hotels (-2.1%), while more visitors stayed with friends and relatives (+10.0%) and in rental homes (+2.5%) compared to a year ago.

These latest Hawai‘i stats were assembled by the Hawai‘i Tourism Authority.

Year-to-date through October, fewer visitors purchased packaged trips (-14.0%) to Hawai‘i, while more visitors made their own travel arrangements (+7.0%) compared to a year ago, noted the HTA.

And while spending on food and beverage increased, expenses for lodging and shopping expenses declined – so the daily visitor spending of US$167 per person (-0.1%) was similar to last year.

Hawai‘i Tourism Canada says that experiential travel is a continuously growing trend, whereby Canadians want to experience destinations by connecting to history, people and culture.

They also want enriching vacations that have activities like culinary experiences, meeting local residents, experiencing local arts/culture and entertainment, and visiting sites that are off the beaten track, says HTC.


