

Jamaica Is Hot With Canadian Agents

The Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB) just wrapped up a month-long roadtrip across Canada to update agents in Saskatoon, Regina, Lethbridge, Edmonton, Calgary, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal on what the popular Caribbean destination had on offer this winter.

The seminars provide agents loads of information on Canadian flights to Jamaica, new product offerings (on-island events, festivals and popular island excursions), as well as details on hotel debuts, renovations and expansions.

Agents also had the opportunity to meet with industry experts such as tour operators, airline partners and destination representatives to ask questions and garner more in-depth information.

Overall, the JTB’s goal was to provide Canadian travel agent’s with an insider’s look into the island, so that they could best sell the destination.

The seminars – which featured a trade show, dinner and presentation format – welcomed an estimated 65 agents in Saskatoon; 30 agents in Regina; 20 agents in Lethbridge; 60 agents in Edmonton; 60 agents in Calgary; 150 agents in Toronto; 100 agents in Montreal; and 65 agents in Ottawa.