
Intair Giving Back To Agents

Intair, a TravelBrands company, is giving back to agents this holiday season by hosting a “12 Days of Giveaways sweepstakes.”

The campaign started Dec. 4 and runs through Dec. 19, with a new prize given away each day.

Intair’s 12 Days of Giveaways offers a wide range of products for travel agents to enjoy. The list of prize items include: a Pandora airplane charm, $100 Visa Gift Card, a chance to win 10 Pack Intair Admin Fee Waivers, a Fitbit, $500 airline giveaway voucher, a chance to receive 3x Loyalty Rewards points, $20 Petro Canada gas gift card, $20 Tim Hortons card, a chance to win one month with no ticketing fees and a portable cell phone charger.

For every day of the campaign, agents will have to complete a unique task in order to be qualified to be entered for the prize. Multiple winners will be chosen each day of the giveaways. The first few days of the giveaways have already concluded, but there are still more chances for agents to win.

For more information on the daily prizing and qualifications for entry, visit http://www.travelbrandsaccess.com.
