Industry groups release ‘Nature Positive’ report

The leading players of travel and tourism globally have published a landmark joint report setting out their joint plan to help halt and reverse biodiversity loss.

“Nature Positive Travel & Tourism in Action” is the creation of the high-level Nature Positive Tourism Partnership, made up of the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), the World Tourism Organization (UN Tourism) and the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance (the Alliance).

Developed in collaboration with specialist consultancy ANIMONDIAL, the report is the sector’s pledge to support the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), the UN’s Biodiversity Plan.

The report presents over 30 case studies of inspiring and progressive actions from around the world involving large and small businesses, national and local government agencies, civil society groups, and inter-sectoral partnerships.

By offering actionable guidance and insights, this report not only highlights the intrinsic link between biodiversity and tourism’s resilience, but also empowers businesses to become stewards of nature.

Julia Simpson, WTTC President & CEO, said: “This historic partnership with Travel & Tourism heavyweights is a significant step in our collective journey towards a more sustainable and responsible sector. This report is not merely a publication but a movement towards integrating environmental stewardship into the core of travel experiences.”

Zurab Pololikashvili, Secretary-General of UN Tourism, said: “For years, UN Tourism has been at the forefront of integrating tourism into the broader UN biodiversity agenda, including supporting the work of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). This pivotal new collaboration among key global players sets a robust framework for sustainable practices that not only drive significant impact but also exemplify the power of united efforts in conserving biodiversity.”

And he added: “This report is a testimony to what we can achieve together for nature’s preservation, inspiring a global movement towards more sustainable and resilient tourism.”

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