Goway Gives Agents Chance to Win Japan Trip
In partnership with Tokyo Tourism and Japan Airlines, Goway has launched a “Discover Tokyo and Beyond” contest in which any agent booking a trip to Japan with Goway between July 1 and Oct. 31 will be entered to win a free spot on Goway’s “A Taste of Japan” independent touring program.
Included in the prize is round trip airfare with Japan Airlines. Every booking gets one ballot. Any booking that includes air with Japan Airlines will get an additional ballot per person.
“Our objective in working with both Japan Airlines and Goway Travel is to help educate our trade partners on all that Tokyo has to offer. Every traveller who visits Japan will undoubtedly spend a few nights in Tokyo and it’s important to know what the city has available to explore, and just how accessible the rest of the country is to the capital,” said Shin Kawai, a representative from Tokyo Tourism.
Besides the giveaway, agents can sign up and attend any one of several planned promotional events to learn sales tips for Tokyo and surrounding areas, as well as the benefits of travelling on JAL, and get an additional ballot.
To sign up for a Discover Japan webinar on July 28, visit http://bit.ly/2a657dX.
Roadshow events will be held in Toronto on Oct. 12, Alberta on Oct. 13 and Vancouver on Oct. 18. Venue and timing information, along with registration, will be available soon on GowayAgent.com. Space will be limited.
The winner of the Great Tokyo and Beyond Giveaway will be announced Nov. 18.