Atlific Hotels has joined forces with Red Cross Canada to offer a helping hand to victims of both the Alberta flooding and the Lac Megantic explosion. Through its guests and associates, Atlific Hotels is supporting the Red Cross by raising funds for those affected. With more than 50 properties across the country, Atlific is entrenched in its local neighbourhoods and helping its Canadian families in the recovery effort. The donation program will run through Oct. 31 and Atlific will announce the total amount donated once tabulations are complete. Robert Chartrand, executive vice-president, Atlific Hotels, said, “For many years, Atlific has been privileged to host Canadians at its properties from coast to coast and we want to pay it forward. We believe strongly in giving back and are honoured to join the Red Cross in this important effort to help rebuild these communities.”The program has been launched at all Atlific properties, as well as in its corporate offices. To kick things off, Atlific Hotels has donated $5,000 to the Canadian Red Cross for the efforts in Quebec and Alberta. The process for donations is simple. The public can join Atlific Hotels by donating online at or at . Tax receipts will be issued for all donations of $20 or more. (Donors should be sure to select “Make a personal donation”in order to receive a receipt.)