Let’s Run Away And Join The Circus
From flying high on a double trapeze to doing bungee flips, the CREACTIVE by Cirque du Soleil interactive playground was unveiled at Club Med Punta Cana last week.
Inspired by Cirque du Soleil shows, the immersive experience allows visitors to try their hand at over 25 different acrobatic and artistic activities, reports Press Today’s Ann Ruppenstein who was on location in Dominican Republic for the unveiling.
“The whole concept was to bring the Cirque du Soleil experience to the public, to allow people to literally run away and join the circus,” Rob Bollinger, CREACTIVE concept and program designer, Cirque du Soleil, told PressToday. “As a performer I can’t count how many times I heard people say ‘I wish I could do that’ and now we’re in a position to be able to offer that. A lot of these activities are exactly what the artists go through in training when they join Cirque du Soleil.”
Launch events on June 18 and 19 included a demonstration by Gentils Circassiens, Cirque du Soleil and Club Med trained staff running the various activities as well as opportunities for travel international industry professionals to test out the playscape, which is included in the resort’s all-inclusive package.
Although circus was already an important aspect of Club Med properties, Carolyne Doyon, Senior VP Canada and Mexico, says the new concept brings it to a new level.
“It’s a dream come true,” she says. “We are taking the circus to a completely other level thanks to the knowhow of Cirque du Soleil. It applies to everyone from children to older crowds so we’re reaching all of our target markets. We’re not only aiming for couples and singles, we’re family oriented.”
Stay tuned for more coverage in Canadian Travel Press and Travel Courier.