Germany For The Jewish Traveller
The German National Tourist Board (GNTB) has launched a new e- brochure entitled “Germany for the Jewish Traveler,” which is packed with travel tips and information about Jewish life, Jewish culture and places of interest in 64 German cities.
The e- brochure, which is free to download from , is an integral part of a global travel campaign launched by the GNTB for travellers with Jewish heritage.
Germany is home to the third-largest Jewish community in western Europe, indeed the only European Jewish community that is growing rather than shrinking. Germany — from North to South, East to West — abounds with celebrated sites evoking the country’s rich Jewish history. In 2013, the GNTB reported strong growth of nearly 15.4% of overnights from Israel to Germany, compared to the same period in the previous year.
“The travel tips brochure for Jewish travellers is an important contribution to the DZT’s travel guides, particularly in view of the preparations underway to celebrate the anniversary of 50 years German-Israeli relations in 2015,” says Petra Hedorfer, CEO of the GNTB.
The new e-brochure also contains interactive maps and useful links to destinations and places of Jewish interest which can be found throughout Germany.