
Home Digital Extra post SkyGreece

Following SkyGreece Airlines recent move to temporarily suspend operations, the airline has been working to rebuild and resume services.

As part of its commitment to rebuild, SkyGreece has filed a Notice of Intention to Make a Proposal and Ernst & Young Inc. has been appointed as the Trustee in the company’s proposal proceedings.

A Notice of Intention is the first stage of a restructuring process and allows the company to pursue a restructuring of its financial affairs and operations, through a formal Proposal to creditors.
Ernst & Young has set up the following web site for affected passengers to file claims in the proposal proceedings: www.ey.com/ca/skygreece.

Claim forms are available on the site. SkyGreece encourages everyone affected to complete the form and return it to the Proposal Trustee at skygreece@ca.ey.com.

Travel Courier Issue Date: Sep 17, 2015
Posted in Air