
Home Digital Extra post Get the lowdown on Belize during June 29 Virtual Expo

The Belize Tourism Board is inviting travel agents to its first Belize Virtual Expo, on June 29.

The platform will allow agents to schedule appointments with Belize tourism service providers – hoteliers, tour operators and local transportation companies – from the comforts of their own office, home or wherever he or she is. The event is free to all travel agents and tour operators/wholesalers; however, only registered buyers would be able to participate.

The event will be on June 29 for participants from North America, South America and Central America from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (US Eastern Time).

Participants are asked to be mindful of the time zone difference when setting up appointments. The appointment portal will be opened two weeks prior to the event. There will be 20 minutes allotted for each appointment. Appointment slots will be given on a first come, first served basis.

To register for the event, click on http://belizevirtualexpo.com/buyer-registration-form. By registering, the agent becomes eligible to win a Belize prize package.

Those with questions can contact Deborah Gilharry: Deborah.Gilharry@belizetourismboard.org; Jana Puga: Jana.Puga@belizetourismboard.org; Althea Sebastian: Althea.Sebastian@belizetourismboard.org; or Michelle Bowers: Michelle.Bowers@belizetourismboard.org.


Travel Courier Issue Date: Jun 08, 2017
Posted in Touring