
Home Digital Extra post EASTERN EUROPE


Exotik Tours is hosting an October fam to Eastern Europe from Vancouver featuring Budapest, Vienna, Salzburg and Prague. The cost is $999 including land, air and taxes. Agents are advised the trip will feature a lot of walking, and will include three to four manda-tory hotel inspections in each city. The fam is for travel agents only. For further details, contact Nathalie.Demontigny@TravelBrands.com.


Winter Europe Fam – Dec. 2-8

Agents are invited to discover Europe this winter with Contiki as the tour operator hosts an open-age “action-packed, experiential fam into the beautiful cities of Munich, Vienna and Budapest.” Agents have to fill out an application form along with 100 words on how they will increase their Contiki sales after completing the fam. The deadline is Oct. 15. The land portion of the trip is free to all participants, with international airfare at their own expense. For further details, e-mail sales@contiki.ca.

Travel Courier Issue Date: Sep 10, 2015
Posted in Fams