Avalon Waterways has special rates for Avalon Waterways Specialists on select 2015 cruises. Including port charges and, if travelling on brochure start/end dates, airport transfers (but excluding shipboard gratuities and airfare), rates are $525 for seven-night Europe sailings (or $1,050 on selected 12- to 14-night cruises), or $1,600 p.p. on selected Fascinating Vietnam and Cambodia cruises. One travelling companion sharing the same stateroom travels for the same rate, and agents wishing to travel solo, will pay double the fixed rate. In Europe Royal or Avalon Suites are not available. When booking, agents must mention promo code AWSFAM. To be eligible for the rates, agents need to be an Avalon Waterways Specialist at time of booking. Avalon estimates that the online Specialist course takes about 2.5 hours to complete and delivers a host of advantages. Bookings must be made by April 28.