
Home Digital Extra post ACV launches deposit promotion on Jamaica

Air Canada Vacations (ACV) has announced that Jamaica package bookings made through between Feb. 9 and Feb. 25 for departures between March 3 and April 30 will require a deposit of just $25 per person.

This offer is also applicable to group bookings, and the full payment is required 21 days prior to departure.

As a reminder, Air Canada Vacations’ CareFree plan – a value proposition specific to destinations in Mexico and the Caribbean – allows clients to benefit from free seat selection, the year-round Price Drop Guarantee, StormGuard and a $50 waiver on administrative change fees, for combined savings of $339. The exclusive CareFree plan is only $49 per person.

CareFree includes StormGuard and the Price Drop Guarantee, both of which can also be purchased separately. The year-round Price Drop Guarantee is a one-time, cash back offer of maximum $200 if the price of a package drops after booking, while StormGuard lets clients rebook their vacation if the US National Hurricane Center declares a tropical storm warning within 72 hours of their scheduled departure. CareFree is commissionable at 5%.

Travel Courier Issue Date: Feb 15, 2018
Posted in Touring