David Chorley Retiring
David Chorley, director sales development Canada for South African Airways has announced that after a 39-year career in the travel industry, he will be retiring on May 1, 2018.
In a message to his friends in the industry, Chorley writes:
“Thank you for your professionalism, guidance and most importantly your friendship during my Canadian Airlines, BCD Travel, SAA long standing career. I look forward to more golfing (I know that’s hard to believe), more time at our newly acquired cottage, social activities and enjoying my retirement with “the bride” Nancy.”
And he continues:
“With all 4 kids moving on with their lives it’s now time for Nancy and I to reap the benefits of a wonderful life we have built together.”
Going forward, Chorley noted that the travel trade will be notified of his replacement for SAA in the Canadian market in the near future.
In the interim, please feel free to reach out Dennis Rivero – DennisRivero@flysaa.com (877-722-7477 Ext 5010) — inside sales at company’s Fort Lauderdale office for all SAA related matters.
Effective May1, 2018 my new email address will be Davidgchorley@gmail.com.
And Chorley concludes: “I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working with you over the years and wish you all the best in your travel industry endeavours.”