Chen Yu Takes Home The 2023 Travel Agent & Beyond Award

Ever since the first Wednesday in May officially became known as Travel Agent Appreciation Day, Baxter Media launched an annual special combined issue of Travel Courier and Canadian Travel Press called Travel Agent Appreciation.

Since 2016, Baxter Media has been highlighting some of the remarkable travel advisors across the industry in Canada for this special edition. In order to be featured in the magazine, travel advisors have to be nominated by BDMs and other people in the travel industry for their efforts.

To take things to the next level, in 2021 The Travel Agent and Beyond Award was introduced, honouring one of the nominees from the Travel Agent Appreciation edition with some extra recognition.

Past recipients include Mary LaRocque of Marlin Travel/Travel n Style Boutique and Shalene Dudley from Latitude Concierge Travels, two exemplary agents known for making a difference in the travel industry and their local community.

This year the award was given to Chen Yu of The Travel Agent Next Door, an avid traveller who believes travel can change people’s lives. Yu became braver after summiting Mt. Kilimanjaro in 2003 and the trip inspired her to “to go further and dream larger in life.” Today Yu promotes bucket list trips and responsible travel so clients can also have life-changing experiences, often by stepping out of their comfort zone on adventure trips.

“As a travel advisor in Chinese communities, I have a passion to build a bridge between the Chinese travellers with wonderful tour operators,” she says.

Yu received her award during the Agents’ Choice Awards Gala last night.

“Life is like climbing the snow-covered mountains. We must keep moving forward step-by-step through the challenging paths to see what beautiful views there on the summit. It reminds us of what other journeys await us,” she told Press Today. “As a Chinese immigrant, this achievement is a milestone and for our Chinese travellers too. I know how brave they are to explore the world. I would like to say thank you to them and thank you to all the wonderful tour operators who make it happen. I would like to say thank you the Baxter Media for giving me the opportunity to share my story. I hope we can all keep moving forward to reach the summit.”

Along with a commemorative awards trophy, she’s earned two air tickets courtesy of Canada Jetlines.