Bob Family Travel & TravelOnly arrange hurricane relief fund

More than 100 TravelOnly advisors and team members from Bob Family Travel recently attended an annual summer trade event at Mimico Cruising Club.

Organized by Pat Probert and Mary de Almeida from Bob Family Travel, this year’s event turned into an amazing show of support for the Caribbean. The recent Hurricane Beryl (the earliest and strongest hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic),
devasted two of Grenada’s sister islands (Carriacou and Petite Martinique), and five islands in St. Vincent and the Grenadines (Union Island, Canouan, Palm Island, Mayreau and Petit St. Vincent).

“We are one big family in this travel business and when one of us hurts, everyone helps,” said Probert. “We sent out a
message asking everyone to bring something to aid these countries – and were overwhelmed by the response.”

Filling two vehicles with everything from tarps and blankets to baby diapers and wipes, to toothpaste and many more items of a personal hygiene items, the travel industry in Toronto showed their love for the Caribbean.

“Although some people have left their homes for the bigger island of St. Vincent, still others have chosen to remain in their homes and vow to rebuild. But they have no roofs. In fact, they have nothing as all their belongings were taken by Beryl. We are grateful beyond measure to Pat, Mary and Earl Lince from Baxter, for organizing this event – and to each TravelOnly advisor and supplier who brought items so desperately needed,” said Shelley John, director of sales in Canada for St. Vincent and The Grenadines.

One Caribbean Canada has created a page on their website of approved and registered charities or approved government disaster relief funds to aid those countries most impacted by Beryl. Global Medic is recognized as a preferred charity where Canadians can
either volunteer in person or make financial contributions.