Americans Are Ready To Go  

Only 30% of American travellers say that COVID-19 will ‘greatly impact’ their decision to travel in the next six months – the lowest level since March of 2020.

That’s one of the findings of Longwood International’s tracking study of American travellers, which also reports that six in ten say they now feel safe travelling outside their communities, the highest level in a year.

Further, as more American travelers get vaccinated, the percentage of those who will wait to be vaccinated before traveling has declined to 27%, down from 37% six weeks ago. Four in ten say the vaccine has no impact on their travel plans.

Amir Eylon, president and CEO of Longwoods International, said: “The negative impact of COVID-19 on travel planning is waning. And the percentage of those planning trips in the next 60 to 90 days is increasing, encouraging news for summer tourism.”

With a majority of Americans now indicating that they feel safe eating and shopping locally (60%) and opening up their communities to visitors (53%), they also recognize the need to support business sectors hardest hit by the pandemic. Around half (48%), say that helping these local businesses reopen and recover should be a priority in their community.

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