
Allianz Global Assistance

In this edition of Voices of Travel, host Ron Pradinuk explores a sector of the travelling public travel agents may not have thought much about for insurance sales.
It’s those travellers who come here from other places to spend time with Canadian friends and relatives. Are they covered in case something happens to them here?
Dan Keon, vice-president, market management for Allianz Global Assistance Canada, one of the biggest insurance providers in the world, is Pradinuk’s guest in this edition of Voices of Travel.
Keon will describe how travel agents here can work with these guests to Canada who may be unaware they are not covered by our health care system.
Additionally as the season is upon us now, Keon also talks about some important insurance information for those thinking of travelling to hurricane prone areas.
As well, Pradinuk and Keon explore a wide range of other key insurance topics that clients are likely ask agents about.

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