Hong Kong Tourist Board Picks The Winners
The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) recently ran a contest for Canadian travel agents, offering advisors who became a Hong Kong Specialist a chance to win one of five $200 gift cards.
Advising agents to “Learn more to earn more!,” the HKTB pointed out that the advantages of becoming a HK Specialist included;
- Equipping yourself to promote Hong Kong and build your business
- Studying at your own pace and monitoring your progress at a click
- Keeping abreast of industry news on PartnerNet
- Course graduates automatically become Club members to enjoy a variety of exclusive benefits
And, drum roll, please, the 5 travel agents who won a $200 Gift Card for entering the Hong Kong Specialist Contest, are:
- Renée Gauthier | CAA Travel – Québec
- Linda Toth-Winterkorn – Northstar Travel & Associates
- Brett Tabor – Maritime Travel
- Harlene Charley- Marlin Travel
- Stephanie Li – The First Travel INC
Congratulations to all of you.