
Agents Can Get On Track With Rail Europe

Rail Europe has launched a global training campaign with its new e-learning tool, “The Rail Agent Course” (TRAC) – a program that includes all major European train operators, that is also available on a dedicated app.

The launch of the 2021 program will ensure that travel agents are ready to offer train journeys to their customers when international travel resumes.

The training course is tailored to various train operators in Europe through 8 modules, each one taking approximately 12 minutes to complete. The overall duration of the course is thus about one-and-a-half hours.


Florence Pasquier, Head of Business at Rail Europe, said: “European rail travel offers are rich and are constantly evolving. Rail Europe thus believes that whilst waiting for international travel to resume, this is the perfect time for training, discovery and readiness to again promote and sell rail journeys.”

Each week, Rail Europe also organizes informative webinars on a variety of travel destinations and on ways to connect with Rail Europe’s Easy Rail Access booking tool. These are available on Rail Europe’s YouTube channel and on the e-learning portal.

Other downloadable resources available on the portal include brochures on how to travel in Europe by train and how to book tickets with Rail Europe.

The e-learning program is available at: www.trac-raileurope.com

For the booking platform, go to: https://agent.raileurope.com/

To check out Rail Europe’s brochure, visit: https://raileurope.travpromobile.com/main/promote#2154
