
ACTA Applauds Suppliers’ Commission, Up Front Payment Initiatives

ACTA is applauding announcements by several suppliers indicating that they will protect agent’s commissions on cancelled files and pay commission at time of booking.

Wendy Paradis, ACTA president, said that: “This is exactly in line with ACTA’s recommended Best Practices released last year. The pandemic has illustrated the vulnerabilities for travel agencies and travel agents with regard to former policies on commission recall and commissions paid only when clients travel.”

Paradis continued: “Going forward, we hope to see all suppliers change their policies. Travel agents have been without revenue now for months despite taking bookings –this model cannot continue.”

In its Best Practices, ACTA asks suppliers for the following:

  • Pay commission at the time of deposit and/or when the file is paid in full, regardless of travel date.
  • Protect commission if the travel is rebooked, cancelled or refunded (and definitely if the supplier has retained partial   payment).
  • Pay commission on any prepaid or pre-booked add-on’s, upgrades and excursions etc.

TL Network’s vice-president for Canada, Christine James observed that: “Clearly it’s been an extremely challenging year financially for all travel retailers over the past 16 months. Recognizing the overwhelming cash flow hurdles that travel advisors were faced with, it was a relief to see that the majority of suppliers stepped up to protect commissions on any existing bookings.”

And James added: “At the very least, it removed the initial burden of advisors scrambling to deal with commission recalls for their clients that accepted the future travel credits.”

On paying commission at time of booking and/or final payment as well as paying commission on all aspects of the file — where appropriate, James said: “TL Network has applauded our preferred suppliers that went beyond standard industry practices to pay commissions upfront on partial payments/deposits was well as at the time of final payment vs. waiting until travel was completed. This is a much-needed benefit to retailers to start seeing cash flow now versus months and even years down the road.”

Ensemble Travel Group’s CEO, David Harris pointed out that: “The pandemic really put a spotlight on one of the critical issues affecting travel advisors specifically – protecting and paying commissions in a timely manner.  While we know that all stakeholders in the travel eco-system were devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the recall of commissions hits small independent travel agencies and independent advisors the hardest as that revenue is needed to pay rent, employee wages and general operating expenses.”

Harris continued: “The suppliers who have stepped up and demonstrated an understanding of how critical advisors are to the entire travel system and recognizing the need to pay commissions in a timely manner upon final payment of trip and protecting them against refunds has been a bright spot in an unimaginable year and I truly believe that those suppliers will be rewarded in the long term.”

Cathie Lewis-Hardy, VP, Strategic Partnerships, TRAVELSAVERS Inc., said that: “TRAVELSAVERS continues to advocate with suppliers for updated commission policies where commission is paid at deposit and/or at final payment, as well as commission protection. We believe these changes are fair and reasonable and will greatly assist advisors with much needed monthly cash flow.”

Lewis-Hardy made it clear that: “It is important that preferred partners understand the value of a travel advisor’s role in the sale of their products and services. And during the last 16 months, the multiple reselling of their products and services as products shifted and policies changed. We commend and thank those partners that have already made this change. As a result of these policy changes, we have seen a growth in future sales and a loyalty shift to these partners.”

Go to www.acta.ca for more.

