A Brand New GBTA
The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) ushered in a new era for its members at its annual convention in San Diego with the launch of a new look, new logo and new tagline.
In the closing session, Yesterday in San Diego at the GBTA Convention 2022, GBTA ushered in a new era for its members, partners, and the industry. This came to life on the closing Main Stage session, GBTA Board and Staff members joined Suzanne Neufang, CEO, and Denise Truso, Board President, onstage to unveil the association’s new GBTA look, logo and tagline – Many Voices, One Purpose – with a focus on Community, Learning and Advocacy.
Suzanne Neufang, CEO, GBTA, said that: “In the past 9 months, we at GBTA have been thinking about who we are – our brand, our promise to you – and how in a world where everything is now different, we too need to evolve … to deliver full value to our members and to the global business travel community. The time is right for transformation.”
The new brand marks the beginning of the next chapter of GBTA. Through engaging its many voices, GBTA will continue to bring the global business travel industry together so members can learn from and inspire one another, develop as businesses and as individuals, represent common interests, and collectively move the industry forward.
The foundational pillars of GBTA remain steadfast: Community, Learning, and Advocacy – but reimagined with fresh focus for the future.
As well, the association announced it will be giving out 500 free memberships which recipients will be able to use themselves or pay it forward as a nomination for someone else who may not otherwise be able to join
Nominations will begin September – watch for more details to come on www.gbta.org .
Said Neufang: “As we undertake this journey and adapt to the dynamic changes in our industry, we hope you will continue to travel with us to build our collective future.”