
CLIA Campaign Puts Spotlight On Cruise Planning


October has been declared National Plan a Cruise Month.

And to help promote the cruise industry, Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) has launched a multi-dimensional campaign featuring numerous cruise vacation offers – from chances to win a cruise each day of the month to cruise deals and promotions.

And to help agents leverage National Plan a Cruise Month, CLIA is providing tips, tools and techniques to encourage prospects and clients to plan a cruise, whether they are new-to cruise or returning to a vacation at sea.

CLIA has launched a toolkit that is complete with assets to help travel agencies and agents promote the campaign and reach out to new and existing clients. The kit is available to CLIA member travel professionals at and includes: A customizable press release that agencies can send to local media; Customizable posts to use on social media sites (Facebook and Twitter); Customizable email template to send to prospects; Details about special deals and promotions from CLIA cruise line members; All the necessary graphics to promote the campaign.

In addition, agents can participate in the National Plan a Cruise Month Webinar taking place on Aug. 28 at 11 a.m. EDT, hosted by CLIA and moderated by Charles Sylvia, CLIA vice-president of membership, and Lorri Christou, senior vice-president of strategic marketing and communications. Agents can log on to for more information.

As well, on Sept. 30, from noon to 2 p.m. EDT, using the hashtag #CruiseMonth, agents can participate in the Travel Agent National Plan A Cruise Month Twitter Event to tweet along with CLIA for a chance to win prizes like exclusive cruise line experiences, professional development opportunities from CLIA and luggage.

“CLIA and the cruise industry never loses sight of the fact that our success is directly tied to the travel agent community,” said Cindy D’Aoust, acting CEO, CLIA. “National Plan a Cruise Month is an exciting way to introduce travelers to the cruise vacation experience and we looking forward to working with our travel professional partners on this exciting campaign.”

