High Marks for WestJet, WestJet Vacations
WestJet reports that WestJet Airlines and WestJet Vacations received the highest equity scores among airline and vacation package supplier brands included in the 2013 Harris Poll Canada EquiTrend Study.
This is the third consecutive year WestJet has received top marks and the second for WestJet Vacations in its category, introduced in 2012.
“Results like this are achieved by the tremendous efforts of our nearly 10,000 WestJetters and we are grateful for the smile and caring attitude they bring to work every day,” said Bob Cummings, WestJet executive vice-president, Sales, Marketing and Guest Experience. “What our brand represents — low fares and a remarkable guest experience — has been our durable competitive advantage. This type of recognition confirms for us that as we evolve and grow as an airline, our approaches and, in particular, the way in which our WestJetters interact with guests, continue to resonate with Canadians.”