WTM London puts regenerative tourism in the spotlight

Regenerative tourism will be at the forefront of the World Travel Market London’s Sustainability Summit at the Excel London on Nov. 6.

Overseen by the show’s sustainability advisor, Tina O’Dwyer, a leading expert in sustainable tourism and driving impactful campaigns, the three-hour Summit will focus on the core theme of using travel as a force for good, coinciding with the show’s overarching theme of ‘TravelPower.’

As moderator, O’Dwyer will open the Summit by diving into the ways in which we can harness travel to support resilient communities, flourishing economies and thriving ecosystems, while exploring the factors driving regenerative tourism.

Pioneering global thought leader Anna Pollock will kickstart with a keynote titled Uncovering the Regenerative Tourism Paradigm including reference to successful case studies and actionable strategies, followed by an engaging exploration of transformational tourism campaigns by Founder of global sustainable tourism organiation The Travel Foundation and Place Generation, Elke Dens.

Policy to Practice: Ireland’s Real-Life Experience with Regenerative Tourism Placemaking will then take a practical look at how to apply regenerative tourism principles to balance economic growth with environmental and social restoration, led by Fáilte Ireland’s Director of Product Development Orla Carroll.

Later, Debbie Clarke, Director of Regenerative Development for The Centre for Good Travel and host of The Good Awaits Podcast in New Zealand, will share how to translate principles of regeneration into tangible experiences and itineraries, joined by panelist Asta Sigurjonsdottir, CEO of Iceland Tourism Cluster.

Rob Holmes, Founder and Chief Strategist of GLP Films, and Anne Kawalerski, Global Chief Marketing Officer of Bloomberg Media Group, will further expand on take it on how to communicate your sustainable initiatives effectively, including tried and tested models for success.

The Summit will close with a talk led by O’Dwyer on The Future of Regenerative Tourism, fusing together the learnings and practical takeaways from the day to inspire a tourism model that revitalizes, nurtures and restores.

Exhibition Director of World Travel Market London, Juliette Losardo said: “The Sustainability Track offers a dynamic platform for all attendees to come together, exchange ideas and forge innovative solutions that will both contribute to and shape the drive to regenerative tourism.”

Losardo continued: “The whole program invites both exhibitors and the media to boldly rethink how we approach sustainability, re-imagine its purpose and foster prosperity for all.”

For more, go to https://www.wtm.com/london/en-gb.html .