CATO urges its members to attend TICO AGM

With TICO set to hold its AGM tomorrow (Tues., Sept. 24 at 5 pm), CATO is encouraging its members to participate in large numbers.

The full agenda for the meeting is available here. They can register by clicking here.

In a statement, CATO notes that among several reports, under item “3. Update from the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement,” it is hoping that the Ontario government will make announcements for a concrete plan to proceed with a comprehensive review of the Travel Industry Act, 2002, and its associated regulations.

CATO said that it also looks forward to hearing from TICO if they can present greater “Value for Money,” despite some obvious operation cost increases, notably in governance and Board remuneration that have doubled over the last couple of years.

The association is also calling on the Ontario government to take immediate action on Recommendation 16 from the Office of the Auditor General’s report, “Value for Money” tabled last year. This recommendation emphasizes the urgent need for a comprehensive review of the Travel Industry Act, 2002, and its associated regulations to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the regulatory system in Ontario.

In its statement, CATO said that despite the clear directive from the Auditor General, there has been little progress in addressing this critical issue. The travel industry in Ontario is a vital component of our economy, contributing significantly to job creation and tourism revenue. However, the current regulatory framework is outdated and in need of reform to better serve both consumers and industry stakeholders.

CATO points out that the Auditor General’s report highlighted several inefficiencies within the existing regulatory system, which can hinder the growth and competitiveness of Ontario’s travel sector. A thorough review of the Travel Industry Act is essential to ensure that regulations are not only effective but also adaptable to the evolving landscape of the travel industry.

Jean Hébert, executive director at CATO, said: “We cannot afford to delay any longer. The travel industry is facing unprecedented challenges, and a modernized regulatory framework is crucial for its future success. We ask the government to act on its commitment to conduct a comprehensive review of the Travel Industry Act, 2002 and its regulation, and take decisive action to implement the Auditor General’s recommendations.”

And CATO also made it clear that is dedicated to participating in this review process.

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