
Voyzant Takes Off With Air India

Representatives from Voyzant were in New York last week to attend an event hosted by Air India at The Pierre, a Taj Hotel.

Along with an evening cocktail reception, the event also included the opportunity for the Voyzant representatives to attend a roundtable business forum with a group of operators in the US.

During the event, Air India also introduced the travel trade representatives on hand to Campbell Wilson, the new Managing Director & CEO of Air India. Wilson took the opportunity to talk to those attending about Air India’s current and future plans and the event also gave those on hand a chance to have a chat with Wilson during the roundtable.

Seen in the photo, from l to r, are Sampath Jayasekar, Senior Sales Assistant, NY; Sadiq Mohammed, Director of Sales Strategy, Voyzant; Campbell Wilson, CEO Air India; and William Duplak. VP Voyzant.