Air Canada reports record load factors for 2012
For the month of December, Air Canada reported a record system load factor of 82.1% cent, versus 81% cent in December 2011, an increase of 1.1 percentage points. System traffic increased 3.2% on a system-wide capacity increase of 1.8%. For the full year 2012, load factor was a record 82.7%, versus 81.6%, an increase of 1.1 percentage points. Air Canada reports traffic results on a system-wide basis, including regional airlines from which Air Canada purchases capacity. “For both the month of December and full year 2012, Air Canada achieved record load factors of 82.1 and 82.7%, respectively,”said Air Canada president Calin Rovinescu. “Led by increases in traffic in the US transborder market of 6.6% cent and in the Atlantic market of 5.1%, Air Canada generated greater traffic for the month of December in all markets the airline serves with system wide growth of 3.2% on a capacity increase of 1.8% through higher utilization of our existing fleet.”(