Take A Post-Pandemic Look At The Caribbean At CTM
The Caribbean Travel Marketplace – May 11 to May 14 – will provide buyers from around the world a chance to refresh their portfolios as they prepare for the post-COVID-19 revival of travel and tourism.
Vanessa Ledesma, acting CEO and director general of the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA), explained that CTM 2021 will feature buyers looking for properties and experiences that meet the needs of post-pandemic travellers, many of whom will be vaccinated.
Ledesma said that: “As a result of the pandemic, businesses have had time to reappraise their properties and governments have evaluated their destinations, making changes to reflect the new realities of the tourism sector.”
And she added that “this is the perfect opportunity for buyers to learn of these changes, adjust their own approaches and ensure their packages are up-to-date and appealing.”
Buyers from Austria, Bahamas, Belgium, Canada, France, India, Italy, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and the United States have already signed up to participate in this year’s event.
Said Ledesma: “While we are virtual this year due to COVID-19, more buyers and sellers of travel are able to participate, which is why this promises to be a unique Marketplace event.”
For more, go to https://chtamarketplace.com/marketplace/registration or email events@caribbeanhotelandtourism.com.