ACTA Rolls Out Training For New Agents

ACTA has rolled out Travel Agent Essentials — a new online, self-paced, comprehensive travel agent training course designed by the Canadian travel industry for the Canadian travel industry.

Wendy Paradis, president of ACTA, explained that: “We know that with borders closed and travel advisories in place, travel agents have more time right now for professional development and enhancing their skills. Travel Agent Essentials is the perfect training tool for newer or intermediate travel agents with less than two years’ experience.”

And with the release of Travel Agent Essentials, ACTA is now able to offer comprehensive online training for aspiring travel agents, while continuing to offer full CTC certification for more experienced travel agents.

Said Paradis: “Travel Agent Essentials is an entry-level training course that has been in development for many months, prior to the COVID 19 crisis. We know that the industry will bounce back and that even more consumers will be looking to take advantage of the benefits that a professional travel agent offers.”

With 100% of the training provided online, participants can learn and study at their own pace and in their own place.

Travel Agent Essentials covers all the core fundamentals of travel including travel agency operations, air travel, ground transportation, cruising and land accommodation and packages.

By completing this course, participants will gain the foundational knowledge and training required to start and elevate their career in the Canadian travel industry as a professional travel agent.

The fee to enroll in the course is $995, ACTA Members receive $100 savings.

To learn more– or to hear from people who completed the course — visit or email [email protected].

And for the experienced travel agent ACTA offers the Certified Travel Counsellor (CTC) or Certified Travel Manager (CTM) designation programs. The national travel industry designations are recognizable throughout Canada.

Certification is the mark of excellence, as it recognizes an individual’s competence in their occupation and provides a marketable credential to use.

For more on CTC and CTM courses and designation visit or contact us at [email protected]