
San Diego Zoo Safari Park hosts second half marathon

One of the wildest half marathons on the racing circuit will be held at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park on May 6. Returning for its second year, the Safari Park Half Marathon offers runners the chance to race through the scenic San Pasqual Valley, past vineyards, golf courses and orange groves, and ending in the heart of the Safari Park surrounded by giraffes, cheetahs, rhinos and flamingos. The competitive half marathon starts at 6:30 a.m. on May 6 in the parking lot of the Westfield North County Mall. The 13.1-mile course is limited to 3,500 runners and has a time limit of three hours. Runners can get a refund on their registration by raising $300 dollars in pledges for the tiger habitat. Each half marathon registration includes admission to the park on the day of the race, a high- quality technical T-shirt and a virtual goodie bag; spectators can enter the Safari Park on race day for the discounted rate of $20 (valid on race day only). All funds raised from the race will go toward building a new tiger habitat at the Safari Park. Last year’s race raised $150,000 for the new exhibit and this year the Park has set a goal to raise $200,000 for tigers. Secure, online registration for the half marathon and the post-run breakfast is available at http://www.sandiegozoo/halfmarathon or a registration form can be mailed by calling 619-557-3915.