
VisitBritain Unveils New BritAgent Modules


VisitBritain has introduced new BritAgent modules, training modules that are now live and can be accessed on the BritAgent web site, http://www.britagent.com .

The new modules feature key pillars including culture, heritage, countryside, shopping, travel to Wales and London and information on Merlin Entertainments.

BritAgent is an online training program designed to help travel trade professionals learn more about Britain’s offerings. The program was designed to increase productivity selling and booking travel to the UK. Upon completion of modules, the agent acquires BritAgent certification, making them a destination specialist for Britain.

The destination training program is Association of Canadian Travel Agencies (ACTA) accredited and grants agents four credits towards certification. This effective tool maximizes a travel agent’s commissions by supplying them with specialized product and destination knowledge required to meet their clients’ needs.

With more in depth information on the UK’s unique selling points, including tourist destinations and attractions, BritAgent’s new modules will strengthen agents’ knowledge of the region and prepare them to assist clients in discovering all that Great Britain has to offer.
