Solo Women Travellers Seeking Stress-Free Escape


With thoughts turning toward summer holidays and vacations, findings released from the first “Solo Travel Report” commissioned by show an overwhelming majority of Canadian women have embraced travelling alone, tying with Australia for the top spot, with 76% reporting having travelled solo in the past.

And the trend shows no signs of slowing with nearly half considering a solo vacation in the next 12 months.

So what’s driving Canadian women to take flight? While globally the report shows women are more inclined to go solo to experience new cultures, Canadian women were found to be simply looking for a time out — with 62% seeing travelling solo as a way to escape their daily lives. Nearly half (40%) say they would go on a solo vacation to get a break from their regular routine and have some time for themselves. They saw the biggest benefits of travelling alone as being able to truly relax and unwind.

“Canadians are prolific travellers, so it’s no surprise to us Canadian women are leading this trend globally,” said Paul Hennessy, CMO, “Our research found travelling solo allows Canadian women to indulge in what seems to be a rare commodity in our fast-paced world — time alone. With all of the resources available at their fingertips online at, women can instantly find out everything they need about a vacation property.”

When it comes to vacationing on their own, Canadian women are most likely to check into a restful, relaxing spa resort to check out of their daily stressful routines. One in two said they would like to escape their work, with no partners, no girlfriends and no kids, within the year. The survey found Canadian solo female travellers prefer spa retreats, beach holidays and city escapes, and tended to steer away from high-impact activities such as sports, hiking, or skiing trips.

However, escaping their daily lives doesn’t mean they’re disconnecting. Social media is playing a pivotal role when it comes to women’s confidence in being able to go on holiday by themselves. Seven out of 10 women use social platforms to keep in touch with family and friends, and over half find that social media and digital technology instill a sense of safety when travelling solo.